Tuesday, October 07, 2008

New York Times link of the day...

From Frank Rich's Sunday column. Rich points out how "ice cold" Governor Palin was in the VP debate last week. She didn't even acknowledge Senator Biden's personal pain after his discussion of his wife and child's death in a car accident in the 70's, and claims she "wouldn't even blink" if she was forced to become POTUS. Wow.

I think Rich hit the nail on the head: Palin is incredibly ambitious and empty. She wants very badly to be president, and the GOP sees her as their last, best hope to win in 2008. Though it appears that Senator McCain's bizarre selection of the then unknown governor of a marginal state has paid off in many ways, it is doubtful that the ticket will win the presidency in the upcoming election.

The biggest signal yet is the decision by the Republicans to give up in Michigan, a voter rich state going through more than their share of unemployment and distress. How can the McCain/Palin ticket hope to win ANY of the big Rust Belt states if they aren't even contesting one of the most important.

It's looking more and more as though Senator Obama will be our next president.


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