Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Young people can change the world. In admittedly small ways, but still....

Sports Illustrated Seth Davis wrote a brilliant column today about a high school player from Alabama who is refusing to sign an extemely one sided national athletic scholarship letter of intent to attend his college of choice, the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Since the beginning of athletic scholarships, young men signed their playing futures away in the hope that the coaching staff that recruited him would still be there a year of two in the future when the youngster arrives on campus. Now, DeMarcus Cousins, the player in question, has attempted to get his school of choice to agree, in writing, to allow him out of his scholarship with no penalty should Head Coach Mike Davis leave the school for any reason.

This is quite the big deal because, though the whole scenario is, as noted by Seth Davis, still up in the air, the young man being recruited is trying to change the balance of power. In the past, the school had all the say in whether to let the athlete out of their scholarship. With Cousins actions, that imbalance may change.

Here's hoping that young DeMarcus Cousins goes down in the history of college athletics in America as some sort of minor Curt Flood. Thanks, DeMarcus!


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