Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A-Rod's Mea Culpa

First of all I don't believe a word of it. He knows that baseball doesn't have any more tests so there is no chance he will get caught again. Just admitting what we know and not offering any more insight will not win him any fans. This interview is proof that a lot of great athletes are incredible egomaniacs. I just wish I was powerful and wealthy enough to talk down to my "millions" of fans. Sheesh.


Do Red Sox fans think that now we are suddenly better than all those awful New Yorkers simply because none of the major stars of recent Boston teams has tested positive?

Do you really believe that no Red Sox, past or present, took steroids? Come on.

Look at Nomar. His body broke down in his early 30's. Torn ligaments and tendons are sings that muscles are too big for their casings. That is how Nomar got injured repeatedly after his wrist scare back in 2001. The man, in my view, was almost certainly doing something.

And you're kidding yourself if you don't think some current members of the Sox were and possibly still are using steroids and other performance enhancing substances. Would it be out of the realm of possibility that Manny, Big Papi and Pedro all used? For all his bluster, would a perfectionist like Curt Schilling be tempted? I would think so.

No one is beyond suspicion, and that is the tragedy of this whole mess.


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