Television Sports Announcers: Dinosaurs
In the future, play by play and color analysts will be out of jobs. That's because the future of televised sports is announcer-less.
Who gives a shit what crappy stats Don Orsillo comes up with on Red Sox broadcasts or even what insights the saintly Mike Gorman comes up with on Celtics games?
Someday I hope to have a TV as big as a car here in Apartment 404, and I want to hear the roar of the crowd, the public address announcer giving basic information, and the sounds of the action on the field/rink/diamond. That's all.
It will be just like being there, except with no travel and no lines for the restrooms.
Who gives a shit what crappy stats Don Orsillo comes up with on Red Sox broadcasts or even what insights the saintly Mike Gorman comes up with on Celtics games?
Someday I hope to have a TV as big as a car here in Apartment 404, and I want to hear the roar of the crowd, the public address announcer giving basic information, and the sounds of the action on the field/rink/diamond. That's all.
It will be just like being there, except with no travel and no lines for the restrooms.
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