Saturday, May 20, 2006

Random Thoughts II

1) Danny Almonte is married!
Almonte, the ex-Little League World Series strikeout artist from the Bronx who five years back turned out to be 14, 2 years older than was allowed by LL rules when he was mowing down terrified children in Williamsport, PA, is now officially hitched. The kicker is that the woman is 30 years old. Do you think the guy maybe lied about his age, or did his "fastball" speak for itself? Almonte is getting ready for the MLB draft in June, where he is expected to be taken somewhere in the middle rounds by a team that doesn't give a damn how old he is. Finally, his dream is about to come true....

Edit: this just in....Danny married an ex LL teammates MOM! Now that is a way to get young people interested in a sport that has steadily lost much of its popularity in the last two decades: that chance to get it on with a MILF!

2) Hot Damn! US aid to the continent of Africa the form of an e-mail scam run by Nigerians.
Who was a big enough sucker to have fallen for this unbelievably obvious con? A Massachusetts Christian psychotherapist. Great article in last week's New Yorker about how greed, gullibility, dishonesty, greed, and a little bit of greed led this guy to lose $60K of his own money, plus participate in the skimming of several hundred thousand dollars from various US businesses via stolen checks that were cashed by Mr. Worley. A Christian counselor who not only is dumb enough to answer the e-mail in the first place, but greedy enough to time and again over an extended period continue to try to get his cash, dishonest enough to try to hide his expected windfall from the IRS, and stupid enough to participate in the writing of an article in The New Yorker that will be read by many thousands of people: this is a guy that I baaaaadly want as my psychotherapist, especially if I'm a Christian in need of moral guidance.......or not.

3) Letterman and Mary Cheney v. Leno and Scott McClellan
On last night's Late Show, Mary Cheney was on to push her new book (no link. just because...) and Letterman gave her an extended interview. She is a homosexual, as everybody knows, but she is also the offspring of the Vice President. I had never really heard her speak, and after listening to her be interviewed, I am quite sure that she is to the lesbian community what Andrew Sullivan is to the male homosexuals of the world: not much help. She is a Log Cabin Republican (maybe not an official member, but one just the same), which means she's an apologist for the right wing distaste for lower and middle classes, the invasion of Iraq and its resulting quagmire/civil war, and anything resembling progressive thought. Hard to blame her, since her father is Darth Vader, and she was born into it, but still......

In contrast..

This past week, Jay Leno had as a guest that noted jokester and "man about town" Scott McClellan. I did not see any of the interview since I find Leno about as much enjoyable as a second viewing of "Eyes Wide Shut" would be. But Jon Stewart ran some soundbites of McClellan pulling his "I can't talk about (insert any subject under the sun)" act. The question for me is "Why the hell is someone like McClellan doing on a so called entertainment show in the first place?" Leno's show has always been mostly for the humor impaired crowd anyway, so I suppose he didn't piss anyone off, but really, McClellan? As a friggin guest? Wow.....

4) The next time you, a middle class working stiff making $40K or so with a mortgage to meet and kids to feed, say something along the lines of "Those damn welfare frauds are bankrupting this country! My health care/retirement benefits/job security/etc. would be sooooo much better off without all the people living off the system!", that faint cackling sound you hear in the background is Karl Rove giggling, rubbing his hands together a la just about every Bond villian, and murmering "excellent...excellent...".


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