Saturday, July 22, 2006

Steve Lyons legacy will NOT be as the guy who once pulled his pants down while standing at first base....

From the post-modernist version of "Sleeper":

a 22nd century historian shows Miles a videotape of...Fox Saturday Baseball with Steve Lyons and Thom Brennaman announcing...

Historian: We weren't sure at first what to make of this, but we developed a theory: we feel that when people committed great crimes against the state, they were forced to watch this (listen, really).
Miles Monroe: Yes. That's exactly what it was.

Brennaman went to Ohio U., so he can't help himself. And his dad was an announcer, too.

Lyons just said a second ago, about the two young pitchers going at it in Seattle for the Sox and the M's: "these pitchers are exact's a lefthander, the other a righty...blah blah blah." How is it that this one man wrecking crew is not found in a website called They should have a shrine built in his honor on there.

I'll bet my life savings that Lyons stole the Tic-Tac-Toe thing from someone with an actual human brain, then ran with it. Fan favorite? Riiiight. People in Boston caught on real quick. He was a self promoter aware that his playing days would be short and did all he could, including the depantsifying stunt, to insure he could retire to some media type deal.

May God help us all.


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