Sunday, August 27, 2006

Thank you Spike Lee for an important piece of work

Just finished watching the 4 hour plus doc by Mr. Lee on Katrine and its aftermath, shown on HBO. Great job, great damn job. Looks at the whole situation that, to this day, is still a complete mess. There is so much blame, starting with FEMA and the entire federal government and Army Corps of Engineers, to go around that it boggles the mind.


Here's the attitude in brief that folks from NO are dealing with:

"What I’m hearing which is sort of
scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is
so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you
know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she
chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

That, of course, came from the former First Lady of these United States, Barbara Bush.

Excuse me for a moment while I....


Just remembering how I thought when I first saw that quote on the news. Good thing I didn't eat much today or there would be a whole lot more vomit in Apartment404. Thanks for the purge, Mrs. Bush. Hope the weekend getaway and marraige ceremonies went well for you and yours down the road in Kennnebunkport.

(Would the fucken Bush's move to Texas or Florida or someplace else already??? We all know they hate the Northeast corridor and all its....sanity (democrats and Democrats alike). Go somewhere where they buy your line of shite. Midwest or Deep South preferably.))

The single most shattering, most depressing part of the whole experience that Lee put on film is the film of the levees the Netherlands has built. Depressing because Dutch engineers are no better than US engineers. It's just that a lot folks lived in the most at risk areas of NO and the Gulf Coast. Why spend billions on them when they vote for Dems and pay less taxes (due to a multitude of socioeconomic factors that go back 400 fucken years in this great land).

"When The Levees Broke" is great filmmaking. Hopefully Lee got the bills paid via "Inside Man" and can go back to making real films like this one.


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