Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's tough enough figuring out which end of the ball to hold...

Newsweak. 2/19/07. $4.95 per customer.


Sorry, but when "60 Minutes" kicks your ass, you know you're a man short.


Assorted pieces from this weak's issue:

Top of the Week -- The Editor's Desk
--- "Historically, it would not be surprising if the Iraq (W)ar were to lead to conflict..." This man is all thumbs. Can he spell "heavy-handed?"

Campaign 2008
--- $4.95 doesn't buy a lot of worthwhile porn. Spend enough to get the job done, we say.

--- "I do not currently hold the position that henceforth the Speaker of the House of Representatives, whom, according to the Constitution of the United States of America, is second is line for the Presidency, is requesting of us fine fellows that, you know, she be let on the space aircraft." White House Spokesman

Robert J. Samuelson -- The Stubborn Welfare State
--- Mr. Samuelson tries to trick his many loyal readers by stating a fact, though it is completely misrepresented: In 1956, Defense spending took up nearly two thirds of the Federal Budget. In 2006, Entitlements took up nearly the same percentage. Samuelson would have us believe that that is our fault. He implies that Americans aren't working hard or blogging enough ("...work harder...work more...spend more..."). That is deception at its lowest. The world was, and the United States was, very different a half century ago. Very different. You can look it up.

David Noonan's piece on "Laugh(ter)"
--- "It is as good as a joke can get..." That's a pretty humorless, tone deaf thing to write about an atrocity.
--- "Turns out that chopping up stuff in blenders is quite popular these days on YouTube." Idiot, those are ads.
--- "...(D)ead before...November... What more could a bunch of brilliant humorists ask for?" Wow. That's just awful.


Later on down the road, Newsweek...


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