Saturday, February 10, 2007

Being a Boston Celtic: For Those Who Have Pride.

Pride is a good thing to possess, however it should manifest itself.


The Celtics last night lost their 12th in a row. Um, was it 14? Shit, man, it's a lot. Hmmmmm. 15? Wait...DON'T SPEAK! Last night was the 16th straight loss for the winningest, coolest franchise in NBA history.

Wasn't it?

What? What?

Seventeen? The Green have lost 17? In. A.


This can't be happening.


Loss #17: 92-78 to the Exit 16 Nets at the (new) Garden. That hurts.


Loss #18: C's play the Minnesota North Stars; Kevin Garnett carries the team bus into the arena, then asks the other players to help him clean things up a bit. Kevin McHale, the Stars General Manager, leaves his wife and 14 kids at home and heads to the Mini-Dome early so he can talk basketball with Danny Ainge. Ainge arrives at Mini-Dome by 5:40, plenty of time to empty his mind. Stars beat C's on an alley oop from Ricky Davis to KG, over the skywalking Brian Scalabrine, who just wasn't hustling enough according to Rivers after the game. Rivers post-game comment: "Maybe if Scalabrine had worked a lot harder and hustled more, and jumped another 12 inches or so, we'd have only lost, say, 14 in a row at this point. With that let me say 'Sorry, but I have a plane to Florida to catch.'"

Loss #25: C's battle the Knickerbockers of Nueva York at the (new) Garden. Stands are full of gawkers. Players on both teams give it their best effort. Celtics lose by 20.

Loss #41: The record for consecutive losses stretching past 40, the Celtics vow to win one for Doc. They lose to LeBron's Cavs by 20. Stands are full of gawkers, who wait patiently in their seats until the final buzzer, then "boo" the Celtics players. One sad faced older man from Manchester yells out, "Youz are all million dollar slaves!" He then heads for the exit.

Loss #82: Now we're talkin'. Doc tries to fire up the remaining players (several have left each of the last two nights, taking buses out of Boston to return to their hometowns) by giving his "Ya gotta have heart...and for cryin' out loud, hustle out there!" speech for the eightieth time during the streak. Team loses to the ___________ of _____________ by 20.

Loss #200: After losing to the __________ of __________ by 22, Doc Rivers agrees to have his contract bought out by "management." Returns home to Florida and tells family to "hustle over to the Greyhound station and pick me up."


Stop the insanity.

End this losing streak.


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