Thursday, February 08, 2007

Today's Portland Press Herald: These guys are good. (Seriously)

start here.


First item to catch the 'Pent (a)ttention...

page B9, lower left hand corner. Now for you at home, it may be a bit tough to tilt your personal computer in such a manner, but trust us on this one.

There's an ad for the local CBS affiliate, WGME 13, on that particular page. The ad, titled "Is your child riding in The Danger Zone?", has a girl about ten staring you, the reader, in the face from the back of a school bus. The kid is smiling and waving. Your first thought is supposed to be, "Awwww. A little girl." Your second thought is supposed to be, "How cute." Your third thought is supposed to be, "Hmmmmm. Little girls in danger are cute." Think not? Then you don't have a clue about advertising.

This ad is revolting on several levels. WGME is owned by a conservative company that always plays to the lowest common denominator: Certain types of people are scary and always should be feared and avoided. "They" are trying to steal your tax dollars. Lowering taxes is always the right move.

We think that's baloney (sp?).

But putting a "pornographic" picture of some girl (whose mom is just trying to get the kid into an acting/modeling career) in the local paper, which took the check, is pretty sick and twisted.

Think about it.


Second item we don't like much...

page B7. Adjust your personal computer as necessary. For those with a hand held, just flip it to the required page.

The Business Section AP story headline reads, "Rise in worker output worst in nine years." What? What?

The story is confusingly written, probably on purpose. What you the reader are supposed to think is, "Must. Work. Harder. And more hours." How the heck do your measure "worker productivity" in a nation of 300M people? And since this country doesn't manufacture anything anymore, how do you know how much work is being done?

Since we get fired a lot, and have quit all the other jobs, we are no authority on "work" or "productivity." But don't think for one second that the billionaires who run this country don't squeal with delight at headlines like this that may be taken seriously by people.

"Work" harder? Naw, work smarter.



page A4. An AP story about the fifth aircraft to be shot down in Iraq in the last three weeks.

We saw on CNN yesterday some retired Air Force General claiming that the US had "air superiority" in Iraq.

Two things:

One: We had air superiority in Vietnam the whole time.

Two: Five helicopters/aircraft shot down in three weeks is a lot.



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