Sunday, February 04, 2007

You are better that this. You have to be.

Bill Simmons of

"We?" You know better, man. No real sports fan says "we" when it's "they" that we are talking about.

"Rooting for the Boston Celtics to lose..."

"'re a loser." Come on now, Simmons. That's a total cheap shot, and you know it.

"Those dastardly Ping-Pong balls could fail to cooperate..." There is no such thing as luck, Simmons. You know that.

"Fantanking." Fantanking?

You are better than this.


Michelle Singletary's "The Color of Money" column in today's PPH

"(William C.) Rhoden's (Forty Million Dollar Slaves) raises provocative questions about wealth and responsibility (for blacks)." True. True.

But Singletary, who is black and claims to have "considerable economic resources", continues. She blasts Rhoden for blasting black athletes. But what is the bigger question? These young men and women are always products of a white male dominated system that creates the hackers and hucksters you claim to revile.

Come on now. Look at the big picture. It's always better to look up than down.


The Baltimore Sun

Ripping Trent Dilfer? He helps the Ravens to a Super Bowl victory and you rip him? People who follow sports seriously know that Dilfer ain't no phony. He went through a lot of crap in Tampa Bay and later on. Did you have to Siragusa him? Hasn't he suffered enough?


Mark Cuban is a "Celebrity?"

And he's hoping for what would probably be the biggest collective coronary since WKRP was yanked off the air (the first time)? This makes him some kind of "expert?"

That fish ain't big enough to keep, if you ask us.


You have just got to do better.

You guys are too important, to a lot of folks.


Can't we all just got along without a m----rf-----g dead g-----n horse?

It's a horse, fer f--k sake.

A h-o-r-s-e. There's more important stuff to blog about and write about.


Can we all get in on that?

Let's pretend that it begins with the students of Pequannock High. Then the PTA, the teachers, and the school board. Then the city council. Then (...shiver...) the parents.

You get the idea.


Bullshit in. Bullshit out.

Do they not teach that at the judge's academy?


You don't HAVE to be, SNL. But it'd be nice. Not that there's anything riding on it...

You make fun of the morons who try dozens of times to get on national tv? You are on national tv! And this on the night you have just about the most accomplished American actress under 35 years old? Can you say "layup?"

The mean girl/guys who judge "Idol" are the targets, not the folks who want to be on tv. Which you folks already are.

Maybe have Drew read from "ET", "Bad Girls", "Mad Love", Woody Allen's terrific musical, "Scream", "The Wedding Singer" (Duh), "Never Been Kissed", "Charlie's Angels", Clooney's awesome film on "The Gong Show" guy, to pick just five. And have the cynical idiots give her the hook. You know, to show what idiots they are. (Call it "Masterpiece Idol", maybe.)

They're the target. Or should be.

And for crying out loud, the Academy Awards are coming up. How about having these idiotic judges award Oscars for best picture, best actress, etc. Who would they choose? You could even make up some bad movies. Though it wouldn't be hard to pick some real really bad ones.

Fraidy cats.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you think the people that go on American Idol, knowing that they can't sing, don't deserve to be made fun of? Also, it seemed that SNL was commenting more on the fact American Idol has tons of great singers but spends so much airtime showing the terrible ones. Face it, Americans enjoy watching people fail and even get made fun of while failing. I think SNL commenting on that was a wiser choice than what you propose.

1:01 PM  
Blogger joe sweeney said...

well played. well played. tons of great singers on the idol, dude. you know whatcha talkin bout.

9:17 PM  

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