Friday, February 02, 2007

Sniff, sniff. ...We're in Watusi Country now, people.

"The Today Show"

Super Bowl Sunday should be a national holiday?
--- Well, it is a Sunday. So we can all do what most people do on Sundays. Watch football. That is, except for the hourly wage earners who clean up after us, take care of the kiddies whilst we're at our annual SB Party, electrocute the cows and hack them up so that we can eat our "McFatties." etc etc.

Hand sanitizers can be dangerous?
--- Are you guys trying to frighten us? Cuz you're just giving us all the giggles.
--- New "Zima" flavored hand sanitizer...for kids!
--- Give us all a big break "Today."

Punxatowny (sp) Phil?
--- Run, little one. Run.

The aliens have landed. It appears as though they want to eat us all for brunch....
....but first, this 80 foot shot by a high school basketball player. Now that's news!
--- Come on now. Please, just come on. Aim a little higher, wouldja?

The mayor of San Francisco had sex with a human not his wife?
--- Too easy, and...
--- Big. Freaking. Deal.

"Take the money and move to the Caymens."
--- You guys aren't quite seeing the Big Pix, are you?
--- Or is there a silver foot on your throat?


USA Today....this morning.

Actually, that's a pretty good paper. Enjoyed it. Worth a read, if you ask us.


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