Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Newsweek's 2/12/07 Edition

Apartment 404's two word review --

"An Embarrassment"


here's a fun game to play with yourself...

Mix N' Match:

A) ?????
C) Ben Bradlee
D) Tony "Pancake" Siragusa (world famous manager of a grill & bar, and a roll in on this list)
E) "writer" Kathi DeVeiny
F) "writer" Raynn Kellee
G) some "Outsized" asshole in the copy department. Have a nice career at "US magazine", miss/mr
H) Johnny "Soft" Meacham
J) Matt "Round Trip" Lite, world famous professional football player (a throw in on this list. Koppen needed the exercise.)
K) photographer Mike Blayke
L) photographer Jimi Foxy
M) photographer Jeff Jeff Mayer, who is apparently pretty twisted
N) Liza "Mama" O'Connor
O) Your least or most favorite overweight 50+ year old white male with no sense of decorum or decency



1) _____________ likes "Sherbert Fully Loaded", but never quite gets to the end of the VHS tape.
2) "That's _____________ _____________", he said proudly. "What the -uc- is she doing?"
3) I couldn't tell her, of course. I didn't want to explain that _____________, who, like _____________ and _____________, sometimes parties bro-less, was taking _____________ - dancing lessons to prepare for a "straight to video" role. Or that his two hours of research left him bruised "in the fucking balls, man. Right in my soft parts."
4) ...(A)n item ran on the NYT's Page VI, opposite a photo of _____________ falling down a stairway while dressed in little more than a fur jacket and a pack of smokes under his steaming _____________ .
5) ...(T)hey're baffled by dick length comparisons, cigar smoking, and fashion faux pas of the Pussy Posse.
6) M. M., a 36-year-old college senior to be at Southwestern ____________ University, in Outer ____________, who describes himself/herself as as recovered ____________ ____________ addict, girlfriend, says "I loved everything from his leather pants to his attitude to his massive ___________ that really rocked my ____________ .
7) ...Which is not to say that hearing about a certain CEO, Sir _____________ von _____________ II's "fire _____________" does not alter one's child rearing abilities, does it?
8) ...That some girls dress like ____________ / _____________ / _____________ is quite empirically true.
9) Newsweek feels that 35 to 65 year old white overweight males like ____________ or _____________who watch "foreign cinema", listen to a lot of "New Age" music, and TiVo Greta Von Susteran are clearly the most vulnerable to stars influence.
10) ...That means that celebrity followers gone nuts and all their NYTs/WP's antics can truly be teachable moments. Lesson No. I: Wake up, ___________ , ____________ , and ___________ , etc.



Mad Libs....



this week's Newsweak article titled "Girls...Gone Wild."


(question raised)

How would you feel?


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