Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another Chicken Hawk for the GOP!

Some nutball up in New Gloucester, Maine has put up an illegal sign in his yard. You can click on the picture to see that the painted image of Senator Obama comes from his visit to a refugee camp in Kenya. The caption over the image reads, "No U.S. military service."

Senator McCain's image is of his pilot days.

The hilarious part, to this reader anyway, is that the guy who put up the sign, a Mr. Robert Horr, has, by his own admission, no military record. None. Nada.

These type of weirdos are called "Chicken Hawks", because they like to point out how wimpy the Democrats are on defense even though they themselves have served no time in the military. What a joke. The government is filled with them.

One of the best examples is David Addington, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff. His wikipedia page makes no mention of the fact that Addington dropped out of the U.S. Naval Academy after a few weeks, presumedly because it was too hard for poor little Davey. Addington is one of the chief architects of the war in Iraq, but has zero military experience.


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