Monday, December 22, 2008

Frank Rich in Sunday's New York Times

Here talking about the lack of accountability in the financial sector during our current financial shitstorm.


Per Rich: "We’ll keep believing, not without reason, that the whole game is as corrupt as the game show in “Slumdog Millionaire” — only without the Hollywood/Bollywood ending. We’ll keep wondering how so many at the top keep avoiding responsibility and reaping taxpayers’ billions while relief for those at the bottom remains as elusive as straight answers from those Mumbai call centers fielding American debtors."

But there really is no mystery to it, Mr. Rich. The people making billions of dollars prior to and during this financial mess ARE IN CHARGE OF THE COUNTRY.

They run this place! Accountability is impossible if the folks making the rules are the ones who reap the profits from the loopholes.

To paraphrase Michael Corleone, "Who's being naive, Mr. Rich?"

"Accountability" is a joke. Do the best you can with your life and hope that the crooks who run this nation don't take too much out of the till, thereby leaving us on the bottom and in the middle with a few choice crumbs.

That may be the best we can ever hope for.


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