Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Value of Simply Being There

Ever have a friend tell you that they've had a bad day? A lousy day? A terrible day? An earth shatteringly awful, mind-blowingly terrible day?

Did you try to save them additional heartbreak by saying, "just do xxx? or "do xxx and you'll feel better?"

Or, tell them, "Stop complaining, things could be worse?"

I'm here to tell you to stop and just listen. Don't try to fix things, don't try to come up with the perfect answer.

Just be there for them.

Maybe you could say, "Man, that stinks. I really feel for you." Maybe you could tell your friend that you, too, feel bad sometimes. And then you could ask if they want to go see a movie, want to go out for a bite to eat, want to take a walk, etc.

Sometimes, just being there for a friend in desperate need of support is the best support of all. There is no perfect answer to someone having a bad day. There is no cure all to someone who is sad, lonely, tired, and sick.

You want to be a friend to someone? Be a real friend and take some time out of your schedule and do something relaxing with them.

I here "The International" is quite a good movie. Maybe that would be a place to start with whomever in your life is down right now.


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