Friday, March 20, 2009

CBS Coverage of the First Day of the NCAA Tourney: March Maddening

Oh, the days when ESPN would whiparound to the best game.

CBS, with the multi-billion dollar contract with the NCAA, continues to exasperate this viewer. Yesterday was a great example: they stuck with a boring 8/9 game while Memphis was struggling mightily with underdog Cal State - Northridge. We here in Maine were watching a rather meaningnless game while a potentially historic upset was happening with the second seeded Tigers of John Calipari. Why not switch to the more meaningful game? The biggest story of the day would have been the upset of Memphis by a 16 seed. And CBS would have missed most of it. Not good.

Last night CBS struck again, sticking with the dull and predictable Binghamton vs Duke blowout while better games were going on.

Does the Tiffany network still think that viewers would rather watch a "name" team such as Duke rather than the more compelling and potentially bracket busting games going on elsewhere? If so, I completely disagree.

Viewers can watch any game they want on their computers nowadays, but the picture and sound suffer for folks like me. CBS needs to do a better job of bringing the home viewer the most compelling game, regardless of who is involved.


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