Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Decent Local Paper Finally Jumps the Shark

Our local paper, the Portland Press Herald, has as its only regular columnist a guy named Bill Nemitz, who does a decent job usually writing about the goings on around town. But lately he has been, um, off target.

And today was the most off of his recent pieces. Nemitz wrote an unintentionally hilarious article today about some dude in the Maine Libertarian Party who is moving heaven and earth to get some harmless joke off the internet. The joke concerns the guy's possible pot smoking, a blog posting by an unnamed jokester. Wow. The Libertarian Party has no use for cops, politicians, civil service employees...basically anything funded by your tax dollars. But when they are wronged, man, watch out!!!! They cry foul. And get the local media to help them out.

Read the article link and tell me that isn't some funny stuff.

Kind of like the Tea Partiers holding their lynch mobs in taxpayer funded public parks. Do they not understand that government does a lot of good? Or have we here at Apartment 404 lost our collective minds?

...It wouldn't be the first time.


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