Saturday, March 27, 2010

Notes from a chill Saturday am

1) We have no patience for those who claim to have "a lot of patience."

Patience is something you run out of. Putting our minds in a position of understanding and empathy is how to get through the tough times of life that involve others and their struggles. Claiming to have patience means you can only put up with others bullshit so much. We disagree with that sentiment: empathy, not patience, is what is necessary in dealing with people.

2) To all gym-goers: Gravity is not a muscle. And range of motion is more important than the amount of weight you use to lift.

We see so many folks at our gym who are hell bent on lifting enormous amounts of pounds. We know what that desire is like; when we started many years ago that was our mindset, too. But it gets you nowhere. Put aside the ego, put aside the thought that other people care about how much you can bench, and think "range of motion." For example, our biceps lift our hands from an extended position up to our mouths, basically. The muscle brings the fingers from a position where the elbow is straight to one where the elbow is as crooked as it can get. That is what you should be thinking about when you do biceps exercises. Not lifting 65 pound dumbbells three times: think about what the muscle does naturally and then do it! Range of motion. Furthermore, if grunting and making faces was the way to building muscle, then taking a shit would qualify as weightlifting. But it does not. If you get on the bench and lift the bar from 18 inches above your head to 12 inches above your head, you are WASTING YOUR TIME, except for the ego boost of lifting a lot of weight. Trust me, you will look the same in six months as you do today and will probably be using the same weight.

No, range of motion, not amount of weight is key for a healthy body. And stop swaying so much. You look like you're all dancing. Or drunk.

3) Optimism, not intelligence or upbringing, is the most important characteristic to having a happy life.

When we here at Apartment 404 lose our optimism, we lose everything. If we find ourselves hating today and not looking forward to tomorrow it does not matter what cool things are going on around us for we are lost. Having a positive attitude can help us deal with anything. And not having a positive, optimistic outlook means that we are in serious trouble.

4) "South Park" is actually pretty funny.

We here at The 'Pent saw our first two episodes of the series this am and really laughed hard! How could we be missing this show for so long? Despite a habit of making severely tasteless jokes there were enough funny gags to keep us watching the rest of the season. Has the show always been so good? Man, we had no idea.

5) Go see "Hot Tub Time Machine."

Not a classic, but well worth the money. It's funny and kind of sad in the way the middle age is sad. And it might be good to bring along somebody who was alive and well back in 1986 to translate.


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