Thursday, July 29, 2010

Red Sox Optimism

Dan Shaughnessy's column from The Boston Globe regarding Sox


If you're a Red Sox fan and you aren't a bit giddy about the 6-4 roadtrip, well, you need help. This is a team that can win the World Series. Get on board the bandwagon.

With the best starting staff in baseball and a lineup that has a fair amount of pop, this is a team that shouldn't be afraid of anyone. The Rays must be more than a bit worried about their 5 game lead in the wildcard. They're good: we're better, and that should show over the final two months of the season.

Nothing is written in stone and the injury bug could certainly hit them again, but right now we here in Apartment 404 are sky high over what the next few months will bring. We predicted to friends two parades this past spring; one for the Bruins and another for the Celtics, and were wrong on both counts despite lengthy playoff runs. We won't go so far as to predict a WS win for Boston's favorite team, but hey, it wouldn't surprise us in the least.

Thanks God for John Henry and Theo.


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