Friday, August 06, 2010

911 Call From the Connecticut Killer of 8

Audio. Four minutes long.


This is a frightened young man with easy access to guns. A sure fire recipe for murder made so easy for so long by the gun nuts in this country. How do they live with themselves?

Mr. Thornton sounded lucid and calm in the call, not mentally ill in the sense of hearing or seeing things that weren't there. Just a gun nut who decides to get some, we suppose. How tragic and sad, but certainly not shocking. We here at The 'Pent got cut off in traffic by someone two days ago. If we had a shotgun in our car, would it have been alright to shoot the bastard? ---> Having the "people" he said goodbye to on the call defend his behavior on the grounds of name calling is beyond repulsive. He killed eight fucking people and they think because someone called him a terrible name that that is justification? This country and its many tens of millions of morons is fucked sometimes.


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