Sunday, March 06, 2011

I Want My Writing To Be Accessible To And By All

I want anyone who reads to read my stuff and say, "Yeah, I can relate, I get where this dude is coming from."

A lot of times I'll write something for this blog, go over it, then delete half the words before posting it. Especially the commas (I LOVE commas the first time through). I try to simplify and get to the heart of the matter.

A big vocabulary (which I surely do not have) does a writer absolutely no good if no one reads their stuff, if no one has access to it.

Accessability is what I want. Readability. I remember being forced to read Shakespeare in high school and hating it. To this day I do not read stuff that doesn't read, for me, quickly and effortlessly. That's the goal for this blogger.


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