Sunday, September 18, 2011


What will this country, this world, look like in 10 years? I wonder.


I believe we will become less outwardly but more inwardly violent in a passively aggressive way. People will get even more of a sick thrill out of awful crap TV shows like "Law & Order: Rape." We will become more hateful and bigoted without even realizing it. Children will hit puberty at 9 years old. Drinking water will become even more of a commodity.

(Where is Justice Warren? Where is Justice Marshall? Where have you gone Ted Williams?)

There will be less death and more pain. Humanity will watch and not live. Public education will get worse, the rich will get richer, and the stupid will stay stupid.

In 2021 the Phillies will get back to suckage. Superteam will still be waiting for Vick to finish a season. The Patriots will be five time Super Bowl Champions. And the Red Sox will continue to break my heart.


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