Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I am a bit concerned about, well, everything....

1) This is, as far as I can tell, a real paper and a real headline. No comment necessary, except I just cancelled my two week summer vaca to beautiful Marengo County, Alabama. I hear they don't treat Yankees that well, either. Or blacks, gays,, pretty much everybody but fifteenth generation "southern gentlemen" (which is the most full of shit phrase ever coined imo, btw). Thanks to The Airing of Grievances for this one.

2) Some people don't have much of a sense of humor. In fact, some have none at all. That is why the internet was invented, I suppose. So we could all find out that some people have no sense of humor. Well, that and porn.

And MySpace.

Vito is dead, murdered, whacked. Darn, I really thought that the New Jersey branch of La Cosa Nostra would welcome a gay male back with open arms, so to speak. Apparently so did poor Vito.

The guy could have spent the rest of his days in the warm embrace of the studly Johnnycakes, written that book on Marciano (or was it Graziano? Or neither?), fought fires with that all gay fire department, and basically had everything that a man could want. But no, he fooled himself into thinking he could come back to the old life. And was beaten to death for it. That just goes to show that what your parents always told you (well, mine did anyway) is the truth: going antiquing in the White Mountains can get you killed.

Or something like that

4) This may be kicking someone when they are down, but what the heck, it's a slow day so far.

My favorite Springsteen quote: "Blind faith in your leaders, or anything, will get you killed."

Fav Britney Spears saying/political philosophy: "I just think we should trust our President in every decision he makes." As made famous in "Fahrenheit 911".

Poor Britney's Q score has fallen so very hard, so very fast from the beginning of the decade it is a bit shocking. Well, at least she was married to George Costanza for 55 hours.....what?.....different Jason Alexander? I knew that...I knew that. So that means KFed is IT? Damn. Good luck with aaaaall that Britney.

5) NH "hunter" dies in accident, elephants worldwide celebrate.

I didn't realize that killing elephants was considered "hunting" anywhere in the world. Hitting one with a bullet must be as hard as...well...I can't imagine it's that hard.


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