Wednesday, June 07, 2006

6/6/[0] two: We made it!

1) "Gone in .06 Seconds":

Former Maine Governor Angus King's 1990 red Miata convertible was stolen on Tuesday. That stinks, sure....but the funny part was that the former top man in our state government "left the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition." Brunswick may not be Brooklyn, but does it take a genius to realize you don't leave keys in the ignition of an unlocked car in the middle of the night?

Update: Apparently the car has been found about a mile away from the King's home.

2) Jon Stewart, I love you!...I adore you!..or Woody Allen said in "Manhatten": "Love is too weak a word for what I feel - I luuurve you, you know, I loave you, I luff you, two F's, yes I have to invent, of course I - I do, don't you think I do?": put it so well, if Mr. Stewart can put hypocritical gasbags like Bill Bennett in their place so very easily, why does the so called "liberal elite" media have such a problem doing same? Or is it possible that the media are a) not that liberal? b) not very well informed c) don't really care all that much? Answer: a), b), and c).


Chuck Norris jokes are sweeping the nation.....kinda. (Chuck Norris does not do pushups...He pushes the Earth down!) Why is Mr. Norris the object of so much hysteria and hilarity? I believe it's because he is famous, but not too famous. He takes himself seriously, but not too seriously (a la Sly Stallone). He has become a a sort of caricature of himself, but one that is not too far gone (a la Steven Seagal). (Jesus was known to wear a WWCND? bracelet) And, of course, "Walker, Texas Ranger" is exactly the sort of so bad it's good tv that drunk college kids watch (only when they're drunk, though). (Chuck Norris does not go hunting. That would imply the possibility of failure: Chuch Norris goes killing!) And he's also supposed to be sweatheart of a guy, too! I hear, anyway. (Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk....and Kill!) Here's the link to the Top 100 Chuck Norris Facts. (Geico saved 15% by switching to Chuck Norris.)


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