Sunday, June 25, 2006

Headline from Friday's Portland Press Herald: "Bike Week rates positive spin"

I'll just steal a few quotes from the AP article about Laconia's annual rally: "Bike Week was comparatively trouble-free this year".

Regarding gangs and their potential for trouble making: "The potential for trouble from outlaw gangs - those with histories of being involved in drug sales and other crimes (Aside: Is there any other kind of fucking gang?!?) - 'directly affects the safety of visitors'" (statement from Laconia, NH chief of police Tom Oetinger).

"That incident (he's referring to a "short confrontation" between two gangs) notwithstanding, the June 10-18 rally 'was extremely successful from a public safety perspective', he (Oetinger) said."

"(A)rrests by city police fell for the third year in a row....summonses fell".


Oh yeah. At the end of the article: "Elsewhere in the state, 10 bikers died in accidents, counting three in one accident.."

Ten bikers die in accidents and the police chief says the rally was "extremely successful from a public safety perspective"? My god, what would constitute unsuccessful? The entire town of Laconia dying of some new tropical disease? A wall of water moving in from the Atlantic coast about 40 miles away destroying the entire state of NH's infrastracture and most of it's population? Oetinger further explained: "10 motorcyclists may have met their maker, but since 3 died in one accident, we're gonna count that as 1, so really only 7 bikers died....Is my math right?...Yeah, so we're going with 7 deaths, and also gonna continue with the "extremely successful from a public safety perspective wording, since we really were expecting about 50 or 60 of them guys to get smashed up. To me, this is a great day for Laconia!"

Damn, this is man who needs to get a job in the White House: "Aside from the 2,500 deaths and more than 10,000 wounded, our military has had basically zero casualties during the ongoing operation in Iraq."

Or "Apart from the near total destruction of the historic city of New Orleans, the Gulf Coast emerged unscathed from any and all hurricanes that hit the area, and will continue to not be damaged for the rest of our lifetimes."

I am envious of such ridiculousness. From "Bull Durham": "The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness."


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