Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday morning stuff that makes me laugh/cry/whimper

Greg Palast on YouTube. Since reading a book is a lotta damn work.

Palast, an American investigative reporter working mainly for the BBC, has written two important books in the last four years: the brand new "Armed Madhouse" and 2002's "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy." And he sounds like a goddam' Commie, too.

From Wik re former US Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist:

"Rehnquist moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where he was in private law practice from 1953 to 1969. During these years, he was active in the Republican Party and served as a legal advisor to Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign. Many years later, during the 1986 Senate hearings on his chief justice nomination, several people came forward to complain about what they viewed as Rehnquist's attempts to discourage minority voters in Arizona elections when Rehnquist served as a "poll watcher" in the early 1960s. Rehnquist denied the charges."

I've read this elsewhere, too, but no one I know of has done a detailed looksee.


Neil Bush. Not the biggest a-----e in the family, but he tries. The S&L Scandal was really about a transfer of money. The transfer/scandal/ripoff involved taking money from the US taxpayers (largely middle class individuals) post-collapse and giving it to the super rich (pre-scandal). Call it a banking collapse, a failure of oversight by the government, whatever: what happened to most of the billions of dollars is they went from the middle class' pocket into the super


John Zeigler, conservative talk show host based in LA. Zeigler is part of a lengthy essay in David Foster Wallace's new collection, "Consider the Lobster".

From Wallace's essay:

"Part of the answer to why conservative talk radio works so well might be that extreme conservatism provides a fairly neat, clear, univocal template with which to organize one's opinions and responses to the world. The current term or approbation for this kind of template is 'moral clarity.'" - Zeigler offered proof of this simplicity of thought when, shortly after 9/11, he said "And I'll tell you why - it's because we're better than they are.... We're not perfect, we suck a lot of the time, but we are better as a people, as a culture, and as a society than they are, and we need to recognize that, so that we can possibly even begin to deal with the evil that we are facing." He also has on his website such other gems/Zeigerisms like ""The female figure is the greatest known evidence that there might be a God...but the female psyche is an indication that this God has a very sick sense of humor." .....Zeigler graduated from Georgetown.



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