Thursday, October 19, 2006

"The Departed"..... without a doubt the best movie of 2006 thus far, though Aronofsky and even Coppola will have their at bats soon enough.

(Spoiler Alert: If you haven't seen it, stop reading. The plot twists are crucial to enjoying this one.)

It deserves two Oscars right off the bat:

Best Legit Boston Accents Ever, esp. Damon and Wahlberg (um...not a surprise) as well as Martin Sheen.

Alec Baldwin plays Alec Baldwin, winningly, with no accent. Matt Damon makes claim as the (and I'm not kidding) best actor of his generation with this role. Wahlberg, well, let's just say that getting a great role in a Scorcese picture is a far cry from that stupid "Planet of the Apes" remake that Tim Burton butchered. Great fucking job by both. And Martin Sheen can apparently act a bit. Who knew? (Yes, that's s-a-r-c-a-s-m) His "flight" towards the end of movie blew me away, and was the turning point from the intense humor of the first half to the massive bloodletting in the last hour that is a Scorcese trademark.

Second Oscar: Best Use of Cellphones as a Plot Device. Ever.

Hands down.


And that's without mentioning the amazingly intense Leonardo DiCaprio. Guess the man knew what he was doing with his career, post-Titanic (as has Kate Winslet, for that matter). He is at the pinnacle. Maybe the biggest movie star in the world.


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