Monday, February 19, 2007

Across the Sporting Universe...

from the Pro Football Hall of Fame: Just who is this Anthony Mu_oz?

"The new Wahl-Bag is here! The new Wahl-Bag is here! Ok, Saturday. But still: it's here!

Terrific article by The Portland Press Herald's Kevin Thomas on why DIII basketball is so strong in the state of Maine: mostly because outside of the state university up in Orono, the players pay their own way. No DII scholarships available, so the best high school girls players are forced to either leave Maine to attend college, or pay XX,000 dollars a year to go out of state.

One case to watch closely. As they say in medical school; follow the money. The thousands of ex-NFLers deserve their slice of the multi-billion dollar pie, without question.

O. J. Mayo suspended for having a ref try to get a slice of Mayo's future earnings? Hey, West Virginia: don't expect Mayo to fund the Mashall University Library and Taco Bell Drive Through any time in the next, say, 50 years. LA is a long way from WV. He didn't deserve any of that.

Tony Bennett of Washington State is a terrific choice, but come on. Year in and year out, Roy Williams does a phenomenal job, Seth. Though this year, will all the expectations, and whacked out coaches aiming for them, Billy Donovan of Florida is Coach of the Year in our eyes. Gonna be a great tournament.

Terrific column by Bill Trocchi. Nevada, to the 'Pent, is not just a dark horse for the Sweet Sixteen; they have a trace of Indiana State's fabulous '79 Final Four team: senior 6 10 shooter, rebounder (ok, not so much passer) in Fazekas, two quality players in Kemp and Sessions (Nicks and Gilbert for ISU), experience, guard play, and the belief that they can get it done against anyone. That is a team that backs down from no one. A nice draw would help, but we think they can win four at least.


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