Friday, February 23, 2007

Why, Wyc Y? Why?

"French Lick?"

"French Lick?"

Did Dad approve this name?

Let the Palo Alto Money Man show his face in the (new) Garden just once...

We know you guys are in debt. We know you guys have no idea what you're doing. We know the roster might be the league's hardest to deal with, since there is so much money tied up in future year's contracts.


We also know that it's been a tough season all the fucking way around for the Celtics and their fans.


Sell? Niccccccce.

Not likely, though.

Stay? Then get real.

How about a 10-Day Contract for a big man defender.

How about bringing Allen Ray back, since the young man can play.

How about signing a veteran free agent who will kick some butt in practice?

How about a new Coach?

How about a few scouts?

How about keeping the wife out of the locker room?

How about showing some class and commitment?

How about using that Bachelor's/J.D./M.B.A. brain of yours to come up with a better product..?

...Since, you know, we Celtic fans are used to you guys winning...

...And get real appreciative when you do.


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