Friday, October 24, 2008

New York Times endorses Senator Obama


No surpise. But to this observer, the sad campaign of divisiveness that Senator McCain and Governor Palin have run has been hugely disappointing. I felt so much sympathy for McCain back in 2000 when then Governor Bush places those calls asking if South Carolinians would be more or less likely to vote for someone with an illegitimate black child (McCain and his wife had adopted a black child a few years prior). That incident had a lot to do with Bush winning the primary and, of course, the Presidency.

But sympathy is gone, replaced by contempt for an old man desperate to become POTUS. McCain has adopted many of the same tactics Bush used, trying to paint Obama as a terrorist and allowing Palin to question the patriotism of many states likely to vote Democratic.

The one thing I am worried about with Obama is the same thing that sunk the Presidency of Jimmy Carter back in the 1970's: an overly professorial style of leadership and a certain arrogance.

How will President Obama lead? One hopes that he can include both parties in addressing the many serious and legitimate questions our great country faces in the coming four years.

Good luck to him; he will certainly need it.


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