Monday, December 29, 2008

What's funny about ridiculing a teenager, CBS?

I see these "Two and a Half Men" ads all the time: Charlie Sheen makes fun of his brother's kid and the kid just sneers or laughs it off.

What the hell is so funny about that?

And why is it so hard to write and produce half hour comedies these days?


I have never sat through an episode of "Two and a Half Men" because based on its ads, I assume it's a piece of crap, just like "King of Queens" and "Everybody Loves Raymond" were. Just my opinion.

There are really only a few sitcoms right now that I view: "The Office", though it's really gone downhill, the brilliant "30 Rock", and "The Simpsons." I also watch Julia Louis-Dreyfus show and enjoy that as a bit of a guilty pleasure.


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