Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cleaning Up The 'Pent: Part One

Whilst rehabilitating and cleaning the formerly all too messy Apartment404, I stumbled upon several dozen DVDs purchased in the last few years that had yet to be watched. And nine stood out as required viewing in the very near future...


"Borat" -- Quite simply one of the great movies of this, or maybe even any other decade. Sasha Baron Cohen created a unique, brilliantly funny and quite insightful village idiot. Not to be missed by any thinking modern person.

"Oh, God" -- One of my favorite movies from childhood. I remember seeing this at the drive-in with my mom, dad, and siblings as an eleven year old. It has not aged one bit, and remains a sweet and simple though well reasoned film from the prolific comedic mind of Carl Reiner. Appropriate for any age.

"Tristram Shandy" -- Funny as hell, from the oh so talented Michael Winterbottom, and starring a hilariously bent Steve Coogan. A must see for any comedy fan.

"Y Tu Mama Tambien" -- This Mexican tour de force blew me away when I saw it six years ago. One of the most sophisticated love stories ever filmed, it features a complicated sex triangle of one woman and two coming of age young men.

"Gosford Park" -- From the late genius Robert Altman. A sophisticated take on the English class system. Worth repeated viewings, as the acting and script are so very, very good.

"Magnolia" -- After seeing Paul Thomas Anderson's first masterpiece, "Boogie Nights", I waited for this one breathlessly, and was not disappointed. It was released back in 2000, and features just about my favorite Tom Cruise performance. Effortlessly bouncing from storyline to storyline, PTA nails it just as expected. A great and underrated movie.

"The Sixth Sense" -- I did not see this one in theaters, and boy did I miss out. Terrific script from at the time newbie filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan. He has not done anything this remotely good since, though I remain a fan.

"Black Hawk Down" -- Short review: One of the very best combat movies ever made. Both glorifies and preaches against modern warfare, with a cast of many doing great work, especially the outstanding Josh Hartnett (just where has HE been lately?) and a never better Eric Bana. Director Ridley Scott has made several great movies. This is one.

"Dumb And Dumber" -- As the Farrelly brothers were new to the scene, I simply could not believe that this one could be any good at the time of its release. Boy, was I ever wrong. A terrific, side splittingly funny comedy starring Jim Carrey and the surprisingly deft Jeff Daniels. Worth having in the library for repeated viewings on cold, dark, depressing winter nights.


There. That should occupy my free time for a week or so.


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