Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oscar Nominations Announced This Morning: What Do I Think About Them?

Glad you asked...


Here's some thoughts on the films nominated for Best Picture (I will have my own "Pent Award nominations coming soon...) --

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" --A movie so bad I found myself giggling. This will go down as one of the worst pictures ever to be nominated for Best Picture.

"Frost/Nixon" -- Opens in Portland tomorrow. I'll see it next week, and am certainly looking forward to the experience.

"Milk" -- Very good but not great. Sean Penn's mannered, fey performance makes Harvey Milk out to be a flamer, when it reality he was anything but. I thoroughly enjoyed the film, but there are others in my mind clearly more deserving of a BP nomination.

"The Reader" -- A decent flick, but BP? Come on, the last hour was complete drivel. Had they edited out the ending, the picture may have come out much better, but, again, this movie did not deserve its nomination.

"Slumdog Millionaire" -- A good/bad time at the movies. Certainly worth a look, as the last half hour is tremendously exciting for the two leads, but the first hour and a half can be tedious.


Other nominations that raised The 'Pent's eyebrow...

Brad Pitt for Best Actor in "Button" -- He barely spoke any lines longer than a few mumbled words. A dreadful performance by a 46 year old who should act his damn age.

Penelope Cruz for Best Supporting Actress in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" -- She played a loudmouthed exwife; a decent job in a thankless role. How she got a nomination over her three costars I'll never understand. Even the Woodman should have been nominated for directing before Ms. Cruz.

Best Cinematography for "The Reader" -- Again, a nice picture, but I do not recall anything wonderful or enchanting about Berlin in this drama.


And in a parting shot to The Academy; just how did the Boss not get nominated for Best Song? That was awful.


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