Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The "Benjamin Button" Drinking Game

Me, I no drink no more. For good.

But you at home can play this fun and nutritious drinking game while viewing your copy of the upcoming "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" DVD, sure to be released very soon.


The point of the game is to have one member of the group playing the game drink every time Brad Pitt's character utters a sentence. He really does not speak very often in this wierdly "so bad it may be good" movie which opened on Xmas Day. He does have plenty to say in voiceover, but for our purposes the voiceover is not part of this game, so you might be able to make it through the two and a half hours without barfing.

And in this somnambulant role as Benjamin Button the Pittster almost never uses more than 8 words when he speaks. Really. I am not making this up. See the movie in the theatre if you doubt me, but you probably will have a hard time getting enough booze past the staff to make it worthwhile. Pitt's character brings new meaning to the word "laconic", as the reverse aging Button basically stands around and looks, admittedly, beautiful. The lines he does deliver are jaw droppingly funny at times, such as when his girlfriend tells him, "You haven't said two words." Button's response is, I believe, "No" (that's one word, Brad). I laughed out loud at the sheer awkwardness of this exchange and so many others. Poor Cate Blanchett, who plays the doomed love interest and is such a talent she deserves a far better fate.

I always wonder if actors know, when filming, that they are making crap. Or do they think that the editor will save the day somehow? Not sure. But this film is not trying for greatness or even goodness. Just profitability through use of His Royal Bradness' looks and firm and taut body.

He takes off his shirt whenever possible. Does Pitt realize he is 46 years old and could plausibly play a grandfather at that advanced age? "Thelma and Louise" was a long time ago, and Brad was not that young in his star making role to begin with.

In other words, get ready to drink your face off once the DVD hits stores in three months.


Rules of the Game:

First, you must have two to four players to play. Don't play this game alone, since you'll be hammered a half hour after Brad comes onscreen, which occurs fairly early on. Before the movie starts, have the players select each number from 1 to 8 until all 8 numbers are selected. Thus, for example, if four players are playing, the first player might select "2", the next might select, say, "4", and so on until all eight numbers are selected and assigned to a player.

Next, watch the movie and every time Brad Pitt's character speaks (Again, ignore the voiceover. That's basically Brad reading from the book) count the number of words in the sentence. He only says one sentence at a time, and I counted only two times that Pitt uttered a sentence of more than 8 letters.

And each time he hits your number, DRINK MUTHAFUCKA!

That's how you play the "Benjamin Button" Drinking Game. Enjoy, moviegoers!


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