Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today's Frank Rich: As Usual, Required Reading

See here from this morning's New York Times

Should the administration cave to pressure and try to hold hearings on torture to assess whether the Bush folks should be held criminally liable? I have given this a lot of thought, for several weeks now, and at first I agreed with a lot of people in thinking that no good can come of that. But today, as I write this, I feel that for the good of our nation and its integrity, we need to hold those responsible for torturing prisoners accountable.

The problem being that people like Nancy Pelosi are equally culpable. They knew what was going on, clearly. Are they criminally liable? How can the same elected officials who allowed torture to happen hold others in judgement?

I don't know how it would work. I just believe that we need a way to find out the truth and hold folks accountable for the damage they have done to our legal system and national integrity. Winston Churchill once said something along the lines of, "Americans can be counted on to do the right thing once they've tried everything else." Here's hoping that he's right.


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