Saturday, August 07, 2010

"The Other Guys" -- Whatever Happened to Ferrell and McKay??

Didn't these guys used to be funny? We here at The 'Pent enjoyed "Step Brothers" and "Anchorman" thoroughly; "Talledega Nights" not so much, but at least that one wasn't painful.

Trust us: "The Other Guys" is. Painful, that is. It's brutally bad despite the mostly glowing reviews it's received throughout the weekend from print media (check out this ridiculous review from Entertainment Weekly). And we aren't the only ones who think it's a turkey: In the 2/3's full theatre we saw the show in tonight one could hear a pin drop during most of the film. Nobody was having much fun, on screen or off.

A script that must have been shredded early in production offers no help to the actors. Most scenes are nonsensical shouting matches that appear to be attempts at improv between Ferrell and whomever else is in the shot. Really brutally bad stuff. A complete waste of tens of millions of dollars. And the capper on the fiasco was the the stuff added to the credits about all the financial waste that goes on in this country: Fellas, look at yourselves first when discussing how to blow millions of dollars.

The only blessing to our eyes was the appearance of the greatly missed Michael Keaton in a thankless role as the police captain who's seen better days. But even he has a hard time saving anything in this mess.

Avoid this one at all costs and go see "The Karate Kid", "Cyrus", or "Toy Story 3" again (seemingly the only decent movies to come out this summer in wide release).


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