Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Living History

New Facts coming in from the media today: Bin Laden was unarmed when killed by US Navy Seals Sunday.

What this means in a practical sense: He was assassinated. Killed while defenseless, in cold blood. By US soldiers with no desire to bring him to justice as we know it in the States: a court of law.

The Reaction Across America following the assassination: Jubilation reserved usually for national holidays and the ending of World Wars. (Bin Laden's assassination is neither.) Those morons who chanted "USA!" at the ballgames should be checked for BAC, because they are some sick individuals.


The US Government initially claimed Sunday night that Bin Laden acted like a "coward" to the end by shielding himself with one of his many wives. What the initial government spokespeople did not tell the world was that Bin Laden had no weapons on his person when he was murdered. And he was shot in cold blood, rather that to be tried under court of law and likely sentenced to death after offering up his defense.

There was no gun battle, apparently. The shots fired were by the American Navy Seals executing the people they found there. Nice and simple. A "Kill Mission."


If you can embrace a world where assassinations are celebrated, then I pity you. Because you have no sense of what is really going on and what is truly important. Al Qaeda is not dead, not nearly finished off. There are many hundreds of millions of young people in Islamist countries and some even here in the West and Europe who want to kill Americans. Osama Bin Laden is dead and they will want to kill Americans and Westerners in retaliation. And round and round we go.

This whole shitstorm is not nearly over. And there is no reason, none whatsover, to celebrate the assassination of another human being.


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