Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Robert California Backstory

meeting notes -- "The Office" preproduction - 11/2/11 10:11 am


"Who exactly is Robert California?"

"Any ideas?"


Grew up wealthy in Thousand Oaks, mother and father divorced when he was 10

Robert was an only child, no cousins

Sports came easy to him though he never practiced much
hockey, baseball, soccer, hurdles

Class President, Thousand Oaks East High, 1982, 1983, Captain of Baseball and Soccer teams '82,'83

Drama Club President '84, starred in class production of "Caligula"

Dropped out of high school fall of '85, unexplained reasons

Received GED from Pasadena Junior College in '86

Worked as Safeway checkout line bagger, spring of '86,
Charged with sexual harassment of fellow employee ("hands on her fruit" according to police report), fired with cause

Married English teacher from PJC fall of '86

Entered UCLA, spring semester '87 as Econ major, lived off campus, tutored Computer Science part time in evenings

Switched major to Philosophy, fall semester

Switched major back to Econ, spring semester '88

Graduated UCLA in three years (Class of '90) with 3.98 GPA, immediately moved to Manhattan

Worked three years as freelance writer in various low paying gigs, also had gigs as waiter and bicycle messenger

Named Associated Editor, Sports Illustrated for Kids, 1992

Promoted to Senior Editor, SI for Kids, 1993, due to untimely, unexplained death of predecessor

1995: Publishes philosophical treatise "You, Me, and God." Sells 500,000 copies in 6 months

Divorces 1st wife, June '96

Marries Mimi Rogers July '96

Attends Pepperdine Law, fall of '98 to spring '00, graduates first in his class

May '00: Invents iHanks: A portable device that lists any and all Tom Hanks films being shown on cable worldwide

Goes on motivational speaking tour of Midwest in August '00
Fellow speakers: 1) Marcia Clark , 2) Robert California 3) Tony Banana Hands


"Is that it?'

"That's all I've got so far"

"You're up, Mindy..."


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