Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What part of "Eight years of prosperity and peace" do you not remember?

Wallace the Young interviews President Clinton on Fox "News":

Here's a bit ....and a bit more, but not the whole thing.

Where are the controversial answers by the former President? Fox "News" has apparently, from what I could find, blocked YouTubers from showing the good stuff where President Clinton goes off, rightly, on Wallace...except for this brief little tidbit, which may not be available by the time you link to it.

"Against All Enemies", the Richard Clarke book that the President was talking about.

Disappointing but not unexpected that Fox "News" would stop the clips of President Clinton answering questions in a way that would simply shame our current President. President Clinton is one of the country's smartest, most eloquent man, no matter which side of the political fence you sit on. The only way to silence him is, apparently to squash YouTubers from showing what really went down.


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