Friday, November 10, 2006

"It's like everybody's forgotten him all of a sudden." -- Rockets GM Carroll Dawson

Ian Thomsen of posted an online article 11/10/06 about Tracy McGrady, titled "Diminishing Returns", regarding the "best player in the league to not have won a playoff series", and his aging body. T-Mac is quoted: "I'm young, but I'm old" and "(A)s you get older you slow down a little bit..."

Slowing down? I don't think so.

In the new season McGrady is averaging close to 20 points, 6 rebounds, and nearly 6 assists.

But his most towering achievement for 2006 is racking up a 5.95% self reference percentage in Thomsen's piece. T-Mac referred to himself 75 times in the 1,260 word article.

Here's the breakdown:
-- "I"/"I'll"/"I'm"/"I've" - 48 times
-- "My"/"Me" - 17 times
-- Third person reference (known as a "Boggs" up here in New England) using the word "You" - 10 times
-- Bonus reference - comparing himself to Roger Clemens, all time great and major star in the Self-Reference League.


The NBA. It's Fan-tas-tic!


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