Thursday, December 28, 2006

We all know exactly what is going on here....

Those frauds over at FJM are at it again.

And we're not going to take any more of their shit.

Not this year. Not this time. Not from them or anyone else.

It was our apartment that started the "Fire Tony Kubek" chain letter back in the mid 1970's. But who got credit? Somebody else. That's who.

And who thought up the "Fire George Grande" fax that criss crossed the nation in the early '80's?

Us. And now, this...

FireJoeMorgan wins the coveted 2006 Richard Deitsch "Media Circus" award for best website devoted to ridiculing people.

What, we can't make fun of folks, too? What about the time we were all over Carl Monday for getting some kid caught whacking off locked up?

OK, bad example. But still, there's the time that we took cell phone footage of the "Bus Uncle" during our bi-annual trip to South Korea to purchase the latest in home cleaning robot technology. We even typed in the man's rant IN KOREAN for those of you not fluent in the language. Still, somebody else got the praise.

Enough, man. Enough.

We're tired and we're not gonna take too much of it anymore.

SI, send us one of your famous one-size-fits-all sweatshirts and all is forgiven.

Oh, and a commemorative "St. Louis Cardinals World Series Champs 2006" issue would be sweet, so Apt404 staff can include it with the other David Eckstein memorabilia gathered over the past five years. Cool.


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