Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quick: Name 5 facts about Barack Obama...

Can you do that?


Memo to members of the Democratic Party:

Why is it so easy to promise to vote for a black man you know next to nothing about before you'll vote for a woman you know almost everything about?


One of these candidates has a complicated marriage of passion and warmth mixed with a ton of other stuff, from the perspective of Apartment404.

The other candidate has a marraige that with all the magic of a pair of coworkers working on an assembly line.

Which is which?


Bending over backwards to prove how open-minded you all are just gives you a smelly view.

Come on now people. Senator Clinton is not perfect, but if there's a better candidate to be the next President of the United States, we have yet to see her/him.

Open your eyes and take a good look at both. One is a former state legislator elected to the Senate. The other is a former First Lady elected to the Senate. Both have impressive academic credentials. Both can be a bit awkward at times in dealing with the highly public pressures of their current office.

But darn if we here in da 'Pent aren't quite sure that Hillary is the better bet. She's smart. Make that VERY smart. Tough. Determined.

...And say what you will about the Clinton's; it is just impossible to argue with eight years of (mostly) peace and (mostly) prosperity.


Do you remember any of that?

Or is this country so out of touch that people actually believe that:

(1) Former Vice President Al Gore won an Oscar.
---- He didn't. The FILM did. He held the statue for the cameras.

(2) This is the way things are supposed to be.
---- They aren't and they won't be for much longer.

(3) That martyrs are always heroes.
---- They are not. The troops who died this week in Iraq and Afghanistan are not all heroes. But they sure as fuck are martyrs. Bring 'em home.

And take your bumper stickers and shove 'em.

"Support The Troops?" Care Packages?

Fuck that shit.

Bring 'em home now.



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