Thursday, March 11, 2010

Media S--t Storms: The Question to Always Ask is WHY??

A couple of weeks ago fading movie director Kevin Smith was in the news for being bumped from a flight for being too fat. Our first thought was, "Huh, that's weird, cuz Smith ain't that fat." We quickly caught ourselves and remembered he had a film, "Cop Out", coming out around that time. It was all a show, created to enhance the revenues for a mediocre movie. It's as simple as that. Kevin Smith isn't too fat to sit on an airplane, he's actually a pretty normal sized dude, small really in terms of height if not weight. So don't take media frenzies at face value. Always consider WHY and WHO HAS SOMETHING TO GAIN.


Which brings us to Marc Thiessen's appearance on Jon Stewart's Daily Show Tuesday night to plug his new book. Why would a conservative, former W. speechwriter, appear on the left leaning liberal saint's daily diatribe to be abused? Because he wanted to create a media shit storm, that's why. Both men had much to gain: Stewart and the author both rely on other media to promote their vehicles. And they were rewarded, as the interview is all over the news.


Always, always ask WHY. It may lead to more cynicism in your life, but it is a more realistic and healthy way to view the world.

(PS To all the kids out there:) And anyone who says, "Because I said so, that's why!" is not to be trusted.


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