Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Deep Thoughts

This is going to be the best year for college basketball since 1985!

Great teams like UConn, Vandy, Ohio State, Duke, Florida, UK, Louisville, and Carolina. Great players all over the country. Thanks, NBA!


Every sport is better in person, but hockey is just as good on TV. Can't follow the puck? Bullshit. Watch two games and you can. The camera man is vital. Apparently the studio analysts aren't


Gay? Play sports, man


3/4s of the Earth is water. The rest is Sutters


Hi! I'm Herman Cain! This is a giraffe!


Stupid? Read a book, shithead


Why doesn't hockey go to 5 on 2 sometimes?

It would have evened things up tonight: Marchand and Chara vs Carolina. I like those odds


Books. For reading

Bobby Orr -- "Winning Through Intimidation"

Jeremy Jacobs -- "How To Make Friends And Influence People"

Teddy Fucking Ballgame -- "Ball Four"

Yaz -- "The Baseball Abstract"

Will McDonough -- "The Last Great Fight"

John Henry -- "Liar's Poker"

Five Hole -- "The Game"

Chris Kelly -- "The Fight"


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