Saturday, October 29, 2011

The National Past-Time

Who stays up until 1am 7 nights in a row? Eyeballs belonging to unemployed drug addicts or to rich people playing with their blackberrys.

Increased time in between innings? Imagine if the traffic lights everywhere in your town added 60 seconds to the wait. Would you get so pissed off you might find some other mode of transportation?

David Fucking Freese? AAAA player. And now a part of the history of a great game, and thus America. Yuk.

The 90 win Cardinals are the worst World Series winner since the last Cardinals team to win it.

What a disgrace to Jackie Robinson, Lou Gehrig, Ted, and Babe Ruth. Baseball is killing the sport that helped heal the wounds brought on by the War Between The States.

I watched basically none of the travesty, and that's a first.

You want to bring back the game? Seven pm EST starts. Ditch the wildcard and let the four best teams slug it out. And let me watch the fucking game, not a CMT video. It's baseball, not MLB DEATHMATCH '11. Calm the director down. And start the weekend games at 4. THAT"S WHEN KIDS WATCH, the future of the game.

Bud Selig, you are a joke.


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