Monday, November 28, 2011

We Don't Know Why

Zit Farm 404 -- no, not "Sex Farm 404"

Zit: The Joe Sweeney Story

My So Called Zit -- she never had that problem

She and Zit -- easy listening?

"I am not a zit! I'm a human being!"

Pop-A-Zit - played in bars since way back when

The 45 Year Old Zit

Up With Zit

High School Zit

I Was A Middle Aged Zit

zit mirrors -- worth their weight in gold, man

You don't know where that zit's been. So don't wipe it on me.

Does she get zits?

No known cause. No known cure. Zits are god's cure for self confidence.

I remember a pretty girl in college, an accounting major like me, King Library, studying upstairs. Zits everywhere. I wanted to hug her. I'll never forget that


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