Monday, July 24, 2006

This pud's for you, soccer moms.... : and Carl Monday (not his real name), too..

subtitled: The Culture of Fear, The Culture of Hate


From the Health Agency of Canada...home of gross sexual perversion for centuries:

The Abuser

• Most offenders are not strangers to their victims. In most cases, they are well known to their victims. Approximately 25 percent of offenders are adolescents.


Soccer moms, not satisfied with destroying Halloween (there NEVER WERE ANY FUCKING RAZOR BLADES IN THE CANDY BARS MORONS!!), have set their sights on a new target: America. Back just a few decades ago, people would actually let their kids play with other children from down the street, maybe even a few streets over. And possibly bike their way to a local park or tennis court.....BY THEMSELVES!!!! Yes, it's true. How could they have allowed this? cable and talk radio, just ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. Networks that hadn't gotten around to realizing folks love a good witchhunt. How they forgot the lessons of Salem, MA from centuries before, I'll never know.

At some point, a genius tv executive realized that telling the most gullible folks out there (soccer moms, or as they were known back in the '70's, mothers in wood panelled station wagons) that there was evil around each and every corner...maybe OVER THERE!!!!...or WAIT, DID YOU HERE THAT!!! God bless 'em, they were hooked. And now, 2006, the soccer moms are scared. Damn scared. Of every guy with three days growth (provided he's not HOT, but sorta creepy {in their eyes, at least}) Of every neighbor that doesn't run the swas... I mean the US flag up every damn day and play The Star Spangled Banner every evening.

Folks, I've read that as many as 95% of sexual abuse of children is committed by people who know the child, usually very well. You say that it seems that most of the people jailed for these crimes were strangers to the victims? I would reply that there is a big difference between committing an illegal, sick act....and being prosecuted and jailed for it.

So instead of searching the Maine Registry for Sexual Offenders for neighbors (the state will soon be assigning Points, to be awarded for picking off the biggest freaks on the list according to what crimes they committed in this or the last millenium. Can't wait till the shooting starts (again)! Go get 'em!), maybe it's your boyfriend/girlfriend/father/mother/sister/brother/aunt/uncle/priest/rabbi/son/daughter/etc. that you should be worried about, since you all seem to like to worry about perverts so much. Have at it at Thanksgiving....maybe set up a lie detector next to the turkey and ask each member of your household if they have had, or desired to have had, relations with your offspring/family pet/undergarments. And let the fun begin!


Culture of Fear, Culture of Hate (cont.)

1) From the winner of "Fastest Read in any Sunday Paper" for the last 25 years, Parade Magazine (July 23 Issue):

More than 25 million Americans have puzzling disorders.
Could You Have a Rare Disease?....

2) From an insert in this morning's local paper (pink in attract the eye):

Tests That Can Help Save Your Life....


No wonder I haven't gone to a movie theater in about a year: way too scary out there....and in here too....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

4:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

4:01 PM  

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