Thursday, September 28, 2006

WTF is he talking about? Dept: Bill Simmons Division

From The Man Formerly Known as Boston Sports Guy's NFL Week Three Picks column.

(Highlight No. 2: After Chad Jackson caught his first touchdown as a Patriot, I called my dad for the obligatory "Chad Jackson!" phone call, and as we were taking turns raving about him, CBS came back from commercial and showed him on the sidelines, without his helmet, and he had his hair arranged in tight corn rows, with little blue beads dangling from the ends. So Dad's talking at the time and it sounds like this: "Yeah, the guy looks like a gamer, I like everything I've seen and rea- (three seconds of silence as we see Chad and his beads on TV) ... wow ... (searching for something positive to say) ... well, they say those Florida guys are a little different. ... ")

Now I know BS writes a ton of stuff every week, and it's not all gold, But this is just weird, man. Not exactly sure what he's getting at, but the above paragraph strikes me as uncomfortably, um, strange.


9/28/06 Edit: Taking a wild stab at what Simmons was getting at....

Maybe BS thinks Jackson should sign up for the all-time home run king, "Hammerin' Hank's original team, the Indianapolis Clowns.

That's right. The greatest of all home run hitters, and a member of the All Time outfield (Mays, Ruth, Aaron and Ted....yeah, I know that's four but we're gonna leave Morgan at home and play without a second baseman. So there.) started out in the Negro Leagues, playing for a team named the "Clowns" for $200 a month. And people wonder why Aaron never loosened up.


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