Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just to show that we're an equal opportunist blog...

Fox News Channel...

Just why exactly are they all so creepy looking?


Does Mr. Sean Hannity have a "proceeding hairline?" Hey...we're just askin'.

Does that John Holmes dude have a wind machine blowing in his face 24/7? Hey...sure looks like it.

Does Ann Coulter look like a preying mantis? Hey...to us, she do.

Is Bill O'Reilly as scared as his eyeballs look? Hey...you betcha!

Does any cable outfit spend less on production than The Channel? No way in heck!
--- Notice the soft, soft lighting. Creepy.

Do you or anyone you know take any of this stuff seriously? Really? Wow...are they dumb.

Would Senator McCain do just about anything to become POTUS? Hey...we're just asking.

Is Comedy Central going to morph with The Channel...and become The Channel Central? Hey...we're just pondering? Right, John? Er...Jon. Um...JohnBoy. Okay, the second one.

Are there really 300,000,000 (potential) Bloggers out here looking at Sean Hannity and asking..."How does this 'man' have so much money?" Nope. But there are a lot of 'em. Just ask 'em.


Can anyone sleep well at night?


Don't admit it...

these are the days...

we remember it all...


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